Weider Ultimate Body Works Vs Total Gym – Which Is Better?

by: Michael Perry

July 6, 2024

You might not notice a lot of differences between the Weider Ultimate Body Works Vs Total Gym, but they're actually unique machines. 

We chose the Total Gym XLS as the best home gym out of the two. The Weider Ultimate Body Works is an affordable entry-level option for fitness beginners while the Total Gym offers more robust, long-lasting features.

Keep reading to see why we chose the Total Gym as the better option of the two. 

First, A Quick Rundown Of Both Home Gyms

Total Gym has been making exercise equipment since the 80s. Weider is a sports nutrition company that launched its own exercise machine. Here's what each product brings to the table.

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Weider Ultimate Body Works

The Weider Ultimate Body Works provides one cushioned foam board to do exercises on. The cable-and-pulley system gives users versatility and an extensive range of motion when working out. 

The machine has eight height adjustments that can be easily altered at the bottom of the home gym. The Weider holds up to 250 lbs of user weight capacity. The telescopic design also lets the machine lengthen or shorten to accommodate user height. 

You can choose from four different resistant levels to add up to 50 lbs of extra resistance per workout. 

The Weider Ultimate Body Works comes at a low price, too. It's an effective machine for total body workouts without breaking the bank.

  • Affordable
  • Expansive range of motion while working out
  • Has eight height adjustments for gravitational resistance
  • Folds into compact size
  • Warranty is rather short
  • Doesn't include an exercise chart, so you don't know all the exercises you can do with the machine unless you look it up independently

- Check Its Price Here

Total Gym XLS

Like most Total Gym models, the Total Gym XLS is a bit pricey. The increased price equates to more advantages with the machine. 

You get over 80 possible exercises on the Total Gym. The maximum user weight capacity is 400 lbs. You can use additional weights on the machine without damaging it, just like other Total Gym models.

The Total Gym comes with additional accessories: one wall chart you can glance at to see 35 Total Gym Exercises, and even one nutritional program and meal plan. Reviews for Total Gym suggest that customers enjoy these meal and exercise plans. 

  • Comes fully assembled
  • Warranty on parts lasts for six months
  • 80 exercises possible on the machine
  • Folds into compact size
  • Includes free access to Total Gym Basic TV
  • Pricey
  • Not many levels of resistance

- We've managed to get our readers 10% discount on the XLS with Free Pilates Kit, Free Pilates DVD, Free Rosalie Brown 3-DVD Set and Fitspiration Guide. Click Here to claim this deal.

Comparing the Weider Ultimate Body Works Vs Total Gym XLS

We just covered what the machines offer individually. Let's see which wins each of the following categories. 

Number Of Exercises

The Weider Ultimate Body Works doesn't come with one list of possible workouts you can do on it. If we had to guess, you can do roughly 30 unique exercises on the Weider. That's not including augmented exercises by increasing resistance. 

The Total Gym lists possible exercises better than the Weider. You can do 80 unique exercises on the TG. You can quickly glance at 35 potential exercises thanks to the Total Gym exercise cards while chart included upon purchase. 

Total gym xls exercise cards

The Total Gym offers additional attachments that boost the number of exercises you can do. The ab crunch attachment, wing attachment, ribbed squat stand, and the leg accessory with two ankle cuffs let you target your core and lower body. 

Since the Weider Ultimate Body Works lacks the number of accessories compared to the XLS, it can't do as many exercises. 

Winner: Total Gym XLS

Muscles Groups You Can Work On

Either model provides a total body workout. You can exercise the upper body, lower body, core, glutes, and back on either the Weider Total Body Works or the XLS. 

The Total Gym vs Weider provides comparable workout experiences. Some exercises you can do on both machines include:

  • Squats
  • Leg Crunches
  • Seated Chest Presses
  • Rows 
  • Lateral Pulldowns
  • Ab Crunches

While both of these machines let you target similar muscle groups, the Total gives you the information to allow you to better target specific muscle groups.

You can go onto the Total Gym website and see workout routines based on user gender and muscle group you're hoping to target. 

The Weider has a more hands-off approach when it comes to how you can target your muscle groups. That might suit some people. Others may want a bit more guidance on how they can get the most out of their machine. 

In all, either model of home gym can help you tone muscles and add definition. Just be sure you have a low body fat percentage when starting. The Weider isn't very effective at helping you lose fat, which is needed to help you show off your muscle definition.

Winner: Tie

Number Of Resistance Levels

The Total gives you six resistance levels. The Weider gives you eight levels of resistance. 

These two resistance levels may not be that big of a deal to you. However, it does mean that the Weider can stress your muscles a little bit more than the XLS. You can gain more muscle mass on the Weider than on the XLS. 

And that's without using the additional 50 lbs of resistance the Weider offers you. The Weider's resistance design and attachments allow you to work out your muscles harder than on the Total Gym XLS.

Winner: Weider Ultimate Body Works

Number Of Attachments

Attachments help you augment your exercise experience. They can let you access different muscle groups than the machine was originally designed to hit. 

Such attachments let you get the most out of your machine, but we prefer that they come included upon purchase so that you don't have to shell out more money for an already expensive machine. 

Comparable to other Total Gym models, the Total Gym XLS gives you the following attachments:

  • Ribbed Squat Stand
  • Wing Attachment
  • Leg Pull Accessory and 2 Ankle Cuffs
  • Ab Crunch Accessory
  • Total Gym Exercise Wall Chart – Simple At-a-glance Poster with 35 Total Gym Exercises
  • Total Gym Training Deck – Your Personal Training System
  • Dan Isaacson's Nutritional Program & Meal Plan

You get the following attachments with the Weider Ultimate Body Works:

  • High Pulley System
  • Sit Up or High Handlebar
  • Leg Squat Pad
  • Free Motion Cables
  • SuperPack Additional Resistance

The TG has more useful accessories than the Weider. The Weider has two useful additional attachments — the SuperPack Additional resistance and leg squat pad —.

In contrast, the others are just back up parts to what you already get included with the machine. 

The Total's accessories let you workout your legs, arms, and core better than the Weider. That's why the XLS beat out the Weider, even though the Weider provides more resistance with its accessories.

Winner: Total Gym XLS


The Total Gym XLS comes out of the box completely assembled, making it the clear winner of this category. 

Assembling the Weider Ultimate Body Works isn't horrible, though. You just have to tighten one bolt or two and complete the instructions listed in the easy-to-follow user manual. 

Customers don't seem to complain about the assembly process. If you do happen to run into trouble, you can find help in the myriad instructional videos on YouTube. 

So while the Total Gym is the winner, the Weider isn't far behind. 

Winner: Total Gym XLS


Both home gyms fold into compact sizes. You can easily store either of these machines in the closet. 

The Weider folds up to a smaller size compared to the XLS, though. The Weider could fit under your bed. The XLS takes up a bit more space because it can't fold completely flat. 

You have to stand it vertically. This means you'd have to place it in a closet or have it take up space in the corner of your workout room.

Winner: Weider Ultimate Body Works

User Weight Capacity

The TG withstands 400 lbs of user weight capacity. The Body Works only supports 250 lbs. 

If you have a large body weight or you want to use free weights while working out, the Total Gym XLS would be your better bet. 

Those who plan on sharing their machine with one partner, roommates, family, or other people in their life would benefit from a larger user weight capacity. More people with different body sizes can use the same machine.

Winner: Total Gym XLS 

Unit's Dimensions

The Weider Ultimate Body Works model is 27.5 inches wide, 59 inches long, and 48 inches high. Folded, the machine is about 27 inches wide, 56 inches, and 5 inches tall.

The Total Gym XLS model has the dimensions of being about 19 inches wide, 90 inches long, and 43 inches high unfolded. Folded, the XLS is 19 inches wide, 51 inches long, and 9 inches tall. 

Both home gyms have comparable sizes. The Weider model is just a little smaller than the TG model but still provides an impressive amount of workouts.

Winner: Weider Ultimate Body Works

Unit's Weight

The Total is a bit heavier than the Weider Ultimate Body Works, but not by much. 

  • The Total Gym weighs 81.6 lbs. 
  • The Body Works weighs 72 lbs.

The unit weight can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on your preferences. If you're in the military or your job requires you to move frequently, for example, a lighter machine would benefit you in the moving process. The lighter machine would also make it easier to transport up one or two flights of stairs if you live in a city. 

A heavier machine would benefit those who want it to feel sturdier and not creak as much while working out. The added weight would also mean the machine moves less if you work out vigorously. You're not as likely to slide around on the XLS as you would on the Total Bodyworks. 

Both machines are solidly built, meaning there's little difference here between the Total Gym vs Weider Ultimate Body Works. The unit's weight could be advantageous or disadvantageous, depending on your circumstances. Therefore, the winner of this category is a tie.

Winner: Depends on your circumstances


The Weider Ultimate Body Works has a 90-day warranty on parts and labor after purchase. 

The Total Gym has a lifetime warranty on the frame and a 6-month warranty on parts. 

Thus, the XLS has double the warranty of the Weider Ultimate Home Gym. However, many customers in their Weider Ultimate Body Works review say that the Weider holds up rather well after months of intensive use. The shorter warranty may not that be a big of an issue as it may seem.

Accidents do happen, though. We recommend getting a home gym with a longer warranty just to protect your initial investment in the machine, so we have to go with the XLS.

Winner: Total Gym XLS

Advantages and Disadvantages — Weider Ultimate Body Works Vs Total Gym XLS

Many people see these two total gyms as pretty much the same. They’re not, however. Each has distinct advantages and disadvantages over the other in certain categories. 

  • The Weider Ultimate Body Works is cheaper than the Total Gym. This is perhaps the biggest advantage the Weider has over the Total Gym. You’re getting a comparable workout to the Total Gym at a fraction of the cost. 
  • The Total Gym has better warranty coverage. While the Weider is cheaper upfront, you could end up spending more money if you have to repair the home gym’s parts out of pocket.

Opting for the machine with a longer warranty may benefit those who plan on investing in only one home gym for the time being. This is especially important if you don’t want the headache of the machine breaking down and having to repair it.

What about the workout experience? 

  • The Total Gym offers a wider variety of workouts. You get more than double the possible exercises on the Total Gym than the Weider home gym. You can sculpt your body on the Total Gym rather than just work it out on the Weider. 

The Total’s accessories further augment your exercise experience. You get one ribbed squat stand, one wing attachment, an ab crunch attachment, and a leg pull accessory with two ankle cuffs with the TG. The Weider just has two attachments. 

The attachments are a nice touch when you’re finding ways to change things up in your exercise routine. After a year or two of owning the machine, you’ll appreciate introducing accessories to break away from the monotony.

  • The Weider gives you a more effective workout. What the Weider lacks in exercise possibilities, its resistance makes up for in how effectively you can workout.

The Weider’s additional two resistance levels mean you can work your body harder than you could on the Total. The Weider also gives you additional resistance bands to further boost the amount of stress you’re putting on your muscles.

In short, the XLS gives you a lot of exercise variety as a medium workout intensity. The Weider provides fewer exercises with harder resistance levels. 

Those who abide by the “less is more” philosophy should go for the Weider. Others who want to get the most out of their machine will like the XLS.

Frequently Asked Questions

You shouldn't take an investment in total gyms lightly. Here are answers to questions people commonly have about the Weider vs Total Gym. 

Can The Total Gym Get You Ripped?

Both home gyms use your body weight as the main resistance to your body, so there's not much a difference here between the Total Gym vs Weider.

Even if you get 50 lbs of further resistance (which the TG doesn't provide but the Weider does), it might not be enough to get the bulging Arnold Schwarzenegger muscles you want. 

So "ripped" doesn't include adding lots of muscle mass. But if you're looking to tone your muscles and create an overall lean appearance, then the Total Gym can make you "ripped."

Can The Weider Ultimate Body Works Help You Build Muscle?

As with the TG, the Weider Ultimate Body Works isn't designed to help you build a substantial amount of muscles. This is because your own body weight often limits you. 

The Body Works will help you build some muscle — especially if you're a complete fitness beginner. You're not going to obtain much muscle mass, though. Instead, the Weider Ultimate Body Works will help you tone the muscles you already have.

Can I Use Any Of The Two For Pilates?

Pilates reformers look similar to these two home gyms. 

You could theoretically apply some of the workouts you would do on a Pilates reformer on to either of these machines.

But neither of these machines come with a Pilates kit. Pilates is also best done horizontally. Neither of these machines lay completely flat unless they're folded or disassembled. 

So yes, you could do Pilates on either the TG or the Weider home gym. Your Pilates experience on these machines wouldn't be the same as on a Pilates reformer, though, which is something to keep in mind.

Which Home Gym Is Best For You?

Each machine has its pros and cons. However, we felt that the Total Gym is the best machine when comparing the Weider Ultimate Body Works Vs Total Gym.

Use the Total Gym XLS model if:

  • You have money to spend on a more expensive machine
  • You want a wide range of workouts on a single machine
  • You want additional attachments to help you better target certain muscle groups
  • You want to know all the exercises your machine can do 
  • You'd like having access to a workout channel to give you ideas on the types of workouts you can do
  • You don't mind a machine that must be stored vertically and can't fit under a bed

We've got our readers back with a 10% discount on the XLS and some sweet extra freebies, claim it here.

The Weider Ultimate Body Works model would suit you better if: 

  • You want a budget-friendly home gym option
  • You don't mind having fewer possible exercises as long as you can target all major muscle groups in the body
  • You want a machine that can lie completely flat and fit underneath a bed
  • You don't care about not having as many additional attachments to augment your exercise experience

You can check the Weider's price here.

About the author

Growing up as the fat kid is what motivated him to take matters to his hands at fifteen, and he has never looked back again since!

When he's not pumping iron at the gym, you'll probably find him hooked to his record player listening to rock classics.

If only he could carry it with him to the gym. Sigh.

On this site, he'll do his best to help you accomplish the same results for yourself.

(We're talking about getting in shape, not trying to carry a record player to your local gym)

Michael Perry